Email Spam Proofer Encoder

Save your email address from the spammers! Spammers have little automatic programs ("Bots" or "Robots") that scour websites to find any email address, once they find your email address, they sell it to the world or use it themselves. End result: we all get the spam email.

To stop the "Bots" from harvesting your email address that are listed on your web pages, you or your Web designer can do the following:*

The "Email Spam Proofer Encoder" will generate mailto: links you can copy and paste into your web pages and emails. The Encoder is an encoding progrm designed to cloak email addresses from spammer's email harvesting robots, yet be visible and readable for your site visitors.

Fill in only those form fields that are applicable for your application.

Email Spam Proofer Encoder:

Email "To:" Address:
Email "CC:" Address:
Email "BCC:" Address:
Email Subject:
Email Body Text:
Employ Anti-Spam Encoding?
Text Link (for HTML links, such as an email address or "Click Here"):

Generated Links: The "Generated HTML Link" can be copied and pasted into your HTML web page or HTML email. The "Generated Plain Text Link" can be used in your plain text email.

Generated Plain Text Link:

Generated HTML Link:

(View in popup window)

click on text "Click Here To Email" in Popup
window to see the real email address

* If you do not have a web site or do not know what 'HTML' is, the Encoder will not be useful to you. If you have a Web designer do your pages, they should know how to use this information on your site. If you don't have a Web designer, consider LLC Software Solutions & Web Development!